Table of Contents
Installation instruction:
curl -O
php wp-cli.phar --info
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
To test the installation:
wp --info
- Each command starts with: wp
- Next you need to use a sub-command such as core, theme, plugin, and…
- Then use a sub-command for the sub-command like install
- The last section of the command is option
wp theme install twentytwentyone
Installing Twenty Twenty-One (1.8)
Downloading installation package from
Unpacking the package...
Installing the theme...
Theme installed successfully.
Success: Installed 1 of 1 themes.
- WP-CLI Handbook
- wp help command in Terminal
wp help
wp help theme
wp help theme install
To exit the list of commands in help command, just press q key.
wp core
wp core version
wp core version --extra
wp core update
wp core update --version=5.5.3
wp core update --version=5.5.3 --force
wp core update --locale=au
Update Error
wp option delete core_updater.lock
wp core multisite-convert
wp theme
wp theme status
wp theme delete twentytwentyone twentytwentytwo
wp theme search blog
wp theme install astra
wp theme install
wp theme activate astra
wp theme update astra
wp theme update --all
wp theme mod list
wp plugin
wp plugin status
wp plugin get elementor
wp plugin toggle gutenberg
wp plugin deactivate --all
wp plugin serarch SEO
wp plugin install seo-by-rank-math
wp plugin activate seo-by-rank-math
wp plugin uninstall akismet
wp sidebar & wp widget & wp menu
wp sidebar list
wp widget list
wp widget list sidebar-1
wp widget add calendar sidebar-1
wp widget move calendar-1 --position=1 --sidebar-id=sidebar
wp menu create Footer
wp menu location list
| location | description |
| topbar_menu | Top Bar |
| main_menu | Main |
| footer_menu | Footer |
| mobile_menu | Mobile (optional) |
wp menu list
| term_id | name | slug | locations | count |
| 5 | Footer | footer | | 0 |
wp menu location assign footer footer_menu
wp menu item add-custom footer "Privacy Policy"
wp post-type
wp post-type list
wp post-type get e-landing-page
wp post
wp post list
wp post list --posts_per_page=10
wp post list --post_type=page
wp post get 6
wp post create --post_title='Why WP-CLI is Great!'
wp post generate --count=10
curl -N | wp post generate --post_content --count=10
wp comment
wp comment
wp comment list --number=25
wp comment list --status=hold
wp comment list --status=hold --fields=comment_ID,comment_content
wp comment spam $(wp comment list --status=hold --format=ids)
wp comment approve $(wp comment list --status=hold --format=ids)
wp comment unspam 1
wp comment count
approved: 1
spam: 0
trash: 0
post-trashed: 0
all: 1
moderated: 0
total_comments: 1
wp help comment delete
wp comment delete $(wp comment list --status=spam --format=ids) --force
wp taxonomy | wp term
wp taxonomy list
wp taxonomy list --public=1
wp term list category
wp term create post_tag wpcli
wp term list post_tag
| term_id | term_taxonomy_id | name | slug | description | parent | count |
| 6 | 6 | wpcli | wpcli | | 0 | 0 |
wp term update post_tag 6 --name=WP-CLI
wp term list post_tag
| term_id | term_taxonomy_id | name | slug | description | parent | count |
| 6 | 6 | WP-CLI | wpcli | | 0 | 0 |
wp term migrate 6 --from=post_tag --to=category
wp post list --category_name=wp-cli
wp media
wp media image-size
wp media regenerate --only-missing --yes
wp post list
| ID | post_title | post_name | post_date | post_status |
| 79 | Post 9 | post-9 | 2024-08-11 15:33:16 | publish |
| 80 | Post 10 | post-10 | 2024-08-11 15:33:16 | publish |
| 81 | Post 11 | post-11 | 2024-08-11 15:33:16 | publish |
| 74 | Post 4 | post-4 | 2024-08-11 15:29:39 | publish |
| 75 | Post 5 | post-5 | 2024-08-11 15:29:39 | publish |
| 76 | Post 6 | post-6 | 2024-08-11 15:29:39 | publish |
| 77 | Post 7 | post-7 | 2024-08-11 15:29:39 | publish |
| 78 | Post 8 | post-8 | 2024-08-11 15:29:39 | publish |
| 73 | Why WP-CLI is greate | | 2024-08-11 15:23:52 | draft |
| 7 | Another Awesome Post | another-awesome-post | 2024-03-07 11:20:18 | publish |
| 6 | Awesome Post | awesome-post | 2024-03-07 11:20:01 | publish |
| 1 | Hello world! | hello-world | 2024-03-06 15:16:55 | publish |
wp media import\~large.jpg --post_id=73 --featured_image
wp media import /Users/hoomaan/Documents/Projects/*.png
wp role
wp role list
| name | role |
| Administrator | administrator |
| Editor | editor |
| Author | author |
| Contributor | contributor |
| Subscriber | subscriber |
| Translator | translator |
wp cap list subscriber
wp cap list subscriber | sort
wp role create proofreader Proofreader --clone=editor
wp cap remove proofreader delete_published_pages delete_published_posts edit_published_pages edit_published_posts publish_pages publish_posts
wp cap add proofreader dewnload_posts download_pages
wp role reset author
wp user
wp user list
wp user create monarch --role=proofreader
Success: Created user 3.
Password: TQYt8JyQVlOQ&^H2h5dDV3)6
wp user reset-password monarch
Reset password for monarch.
Success: Password reset for 1 user.
wp user get monarch
| Field | Value |
| ID | 3 |
| user_login | monarch |
| user_email | |
| user_registered | 2024-08-12 10:53:56 |
| display_name | monarch |
| roles | proofreader |
wp user list-caps monarch | sort
wp role create bronze Bronze --clone=subscriber
Success: Role with key 'bronze' created. Cloned capabilities from 'subscriber'.
wp role create silver Silver --clone=subscriber
Success: Role with key 'silver' created. Cloned capabilities from 'subscriber'.
wp role create gold Gold --clone=subscriber
Success: Role with key 'gold' created. Cloned capabilities from 'subscriber'.
wp user generate --count=5 --role=bronze | wp user generate --count=5 --role=silver | wp user generate --count=5 --role=gold
Generating users 100% [===========================================] 0:00 / 0:00
wp user import-csv /Users/list/users.csv
wp user meta list monarch
| user_id | meta_key | meta_value |
| 3 | nickname | monarch |
| 3 | first_name | |
| 3 | last_name | |
| 3 | description | |
| 3 | rich_editing | true |
| 3 | syntax_highlighting | true |
| 3 | comment_shortcuts | false |
| 3 | admin_color | fresh |
| 3 | use_ssl | 0 |
| 3 | show_admin_bar_front | true |
| 3 | locale | |
| 3 | wp_capabilities | a:1:{s:11:"proofreader";b:1;} |
| 3 | wp_user_level | 7 |
| 3 | dismissed_wp_pointers | |
wp user meta update monarch first_name 'Monarchy'
wp user meta delete monarch first_name
wp user meta update monarch articles_proofed 47
[–role=<role>]: The role of the user to create. Default: default role. Possible values include ‘administrator’, ‘editor’, ‘author’, ‘contributor’, ‘subscriber’.
wp option
wp option list
wp option list --search=rss
| option_name | option_value |
wp option list --search="*rss*"
| option_name | option_value |
| posts_per_rss | 10 |
| rss_use_excerpt | 0 |
| widget_rss | a:0:{} |
wp option update posts_per_rss 300
wp option get posts_per_rss
wp option get siteurl
wp option add posts_to_proof 7
wp option delete posts_to_proof
wp option pluck theme_mods_oceanwp nav_menu_locations
array (
'footer_menu' => 5,
wp option patch
wp cache | wp transient | wp rewrite | wp embed
wp cache flush
wp transient list
wp transient delete --all
wp rewrite list
wp rewrite flush
wp embed fetch
wp embed cache clear 434
wp db
wp db prefix
wp db size
wp db tables
wp db tables --all-tables
wp db columns wp_posts
wp db query "SELECT ID, post_title, post_date FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='post' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 0,20"
wp db columns wp_postmeta
wp db query "SELECT ID, post_title, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta ON ID = post_id WHERE post_type='post' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 0, 20"
wp db query "SELECT wp_comments.comment_id, comment_approved, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_comments INNER JOIN wp_commentmeta ON wp_comments.comment_ID = wp_commentmeta.comment_ID WHERE comment_approved='spam' LIMIT 0,10"
wp db query "DELETE wp_comments, wp_commentmeta FROM wp_comments INNER JOIN wp_commentmeta ON wp_comments.comment_ID = wp_commentmeta.comment_ID WHERE comment_approved='spam'"
wp db cli
mysql> SELECT ID, post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type='pst' AND post_status='publish' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 0,25;
wp db search
wp db search wp-cli --all-tables
Maintaining database
wp db optimize
wp db repair
wp db clean
wp db reset
wp db clean
wp db tables
wp config set table_prefix wp_123_
wp core install
Exporting, Importing, Search, and Replace
wp db export wpcli.sql
scp wpcli.sql /Users/xxx/Local Sites/wp-dev/app/public
scp /Users/xxx/Local Sites/wp-dev/app/public/wpcli.sql ./
wp db import wpcli.sql
wp db search-replace https://wpcli.local https://hoomaan.local
wp option get siteurl
Installing WordPress with WP-CLI
wp core download
wp core config --dbname=fjdlfjdfdlsjf --dbuser=dfkjdsfjds --dbpass=dlfkjdslfjdsjlf
wp core install --title="Hoomaan WP-CLI" --admin_user=Hoomaan
Advanced WP-CLI commands
wp eval-file
wp scaffold
cd wp-content
cd plugins/
mkdire cli-plugin
wp scaffold plugin my-great-plugin